If your diesel truck is emitting black, white or blue smoke, something is wrong with the way your fuel or oil is burning. For example, black smoke is commonly seen when the fuel to air ratio is imbalanced, or there is not enough air and too much fuel. When an insufficient amount of oxygen exist, diesel fuel cannot burn properly, resulting in particulated black smoke and a truck that is providing you with less than optimal fuel mileage. Black smoke may also indicate:

  • Faulty injector pumps
  • Bad injectors
  • Dirty air filters
  • Bad EGR valve
  • Faulty turbocharger

Alternately, white or grayish-white smoke means that diesel fuel is not burning properly because it is entering the combustion chamber. Causes of white smoke involve:

  • Low engine/cylinder compression
  • Water in the fuel
  • Irregular fuel pump timing due to sufficient amounts of fuel not reaching the pump

If you notice white smoke upon starting your vehicle and then disappearing as the engine warms, this could indicate deposits around the piston rings or cylinder glazing. Water inside combustion spaces can create white smoke as well. Water entry into combustion areas is often the result of cracked cylinder heads or faulty head gaskets, which need immediate attention by a professional mechanic.

Blue smoke means engine oil is burning due to a mechanical problem, such as:

Although your smoking vehicle may be operating smoothly, you know whatever is wrong is just going to get worse. So why not schedule an appointment with us today, get it fixed right the first time and avoid paying for more costly repairs in the future.

  • Faulty lift pump
  • Faulty injector pump (causes oil and fuel to mix)
  • Worn-out valve stem seals or valves
  • Deteriorated piston rings and cylinders (will allow oil to seep into areas it shouldn’t be, burn and produce blue smoke)
  • Having too much oil in the engine or using incorrect oil grade
  • Cylinder glaze

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